Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Marcusian (New Left) Inspired "Progress"

Unleashing Eros to eliminate the "repressive forces" inherent in modern civilization.


  1. Eroticized Marx. Wow.
    First, it's so disheartening that our government hired this man to begin with.
    Second, I've always found it quite obvious (without over-analyzing it) why the hippie counter-culture movement didn't completely take over when it had a chance.
    And C), I wish I spoke fluent Spanish.

  2. I don't post about Marcuse because he was wrong about some things, but because he was so RIGHT about some very important things. One thing right, remove the "surplus repression" and you can alter society in ways previously unimaginable (although the "hippo" analogy was actually pretty close - the "monkey" in the tunnels of the video more apropos).

    ps - And Spanish wouldn't do you very well with Radio Conga, it's an Africanized-Portu-Italian (I think). ;)

  3. Wait...you agree with Marcuse?
    I can see where our society would benefit from some social/ psychological freedom.

    btw...I still wish I spoke Spanish fluently. ;-)

  4. No, I don't agree with his prescription (re-write the "nuclear family" structure and promote polyamorous relationships), I agree with his analysis as to what the "effects" of doing so would impact (although I believe it would lead to MORE conflict/war, NOT less). I think that the inner-city "gang" culture (children raised w/o fathers) is an example of the MORE likely result.

  5. ... not the peace loving/commune founding "hippie" free love. The hippies HAD fathers in their homes.

  6. What Marcuse ignores are the strict mating restriction even within a natural "hippopotamus" herd gathering, with a dominant male "beachmaster" that fights all rivals who challenge his supremacy over his "harem."

    The "repression" of monagamy, in other words, is NOT a "surplus" repression, it's a natural one. Monogamy serves to minimize conflict, NOT exacerbate it. Oxytocin and Vassopressin levels are key. Of course in Freud's day, masturbation was a taboo... relinquishing societal control of it inhibits life-mate bonding.

  7. ps - I wish I spoke Spanish "fluently" too, but fluency is an elusive thing unless learned at birth.

  8. Well, I agree with you. I've never understood the logic behind polygamy or communal living. It's a good solution if we take our hearts out of our chests.

  9. I think what Marcuse misses is that when you "unleash Eros" (the sex drive), you also unleash the countervaling force that normally develops and holds it in check (Thanatos/the death instinct) and that without a "role model" for a male child to imprint upon (father) and shape the early development of a structured "seat" for the SuperEgo, an unstructured Thanatos "runs amuck" and causes indiscriminate destruction (maleness/wild-child).

  10. In other words, early childhood repression translates into "self-control" and the future ability to sublimate instincts to serve socially/ civilizationally useful pursposes.

  11. This is why the hippies could live "peacefully" in communes but the children of unwed mothers in the inner cities form gangs and kill each other.

  12. ... and NO, I don't think it has ANYTHING to do with "poverty".

  13. Do you think I'm buy into the "new left" ideaology??

    If so, you're wrong.

  14. No, although many on the New Left would see the differences between hippies and criminal gangs and blame it on "external circumstances related to poverty/affluence" and not early childhood psychological conditioning.

  15. That's the "easy" out, I guess.

  16. Because the societal work ethic dominated personal expression and forced families to stay together.
